Creative Brilliance

Defining your
Employer Branding

An employer brand isn't "good" or "bad". It's about attracting the right candidates and repelling the wrong ones. That's where we come in.

Brand Definition
Engaging with employees to uncover the real experience of those that chose to work and stay with you.
Creative Direction
This is where the magic happens we'll design all the things you need to go to market with your real story.
We'll work in step with you to design a plan to ensure your brand is embraced and activated across the right channels.

Benefits for You:

Hire Better and Faster​

Your desired candidates will identify with your employer brand and be primed to join your company.

Increase Employee Belonging

Current employees will feel heard and seen, increasing their commitment to your organization.

Unified Message

A consistent message across every medium and every recruiter instills trust with candidates and builds market confidence.

Knowledge & Insights

Women of Influence Nomination

Conducting Online Interviews: 3 Great Ideas for Employers

In today’s world, the in-person face-to-face interview isn’t happening. For reasons we’re all aware of, many business owners have their employees working from home. If you are interviewing there’s always the phone, however, face-to-face interviews are generally considered more effective. For many employers, conducting online interviews is a new concept.…

3 Easy Employer Brand Ideas

According to studies, about three quarters of job seekers research potential employers before applying for jobs. Its not that they just want to find work – they want to work for the right companies! How does your company measure up to all the others? The answer depends on the strength…